A woman met and fell in love with a tree named Tim to a point that she started a sexual relations with it and even went as far as planning to get married to ‘him’.
The 31-year-old woman named, Emma McCabe, found love with Tim after she repeatedly suffered heartbreaks from men.
Now, she wants to take the relationship to the next level by getting married to Tim, perhaps, she has proposed to ‘him’ already.

More so, McCabe described the sex experience with Tim as amazing.
She said: “He fulfils my emotional and sexual needs. I orgasm by rubbing against the bark naked. I love the feeling of skin-on-bark contact, which gives me a more pleasurable pain sensation, and the feel of his leaves against my skin makes me tingle. I have sex with him every week — it’s the best I’ve ever had!”
But we are not sure if Tim feels the same way for ‘his’ newly found love, McCabe.