Two best female friends have finally engaged to be married after one of them had to undergo surgery to change her sex to become a man.
The duo of Toni Harper and Sean Horton met while they were younger, 13 and 15 years old respectively in Bristol, United Kingdom.
They became best friends thereafter until the friendship turned into a romantic affair which further became more real and is leading them to the altar soonest.

Eventually, according to World Wide Weird News, Horton revealed to Harper that he had been tormented by his gender and sexuality for years.
Horton, now 25, changed his name to Sean and underwent a surgery to change his gender.

After Harper, now, 23, accepted her lover, the couple decided to move the relationship to the next level and will tie the knot in March 2015.

Harper is already about 8 months pregnant with their first child after she went through artificial insemination through a sperm donor.
Overly excited Horton said, “I cannot wait to be a dad. I cannot wait to hear our baby call me Daddy.”