A man filmed himself having sex with a sleeping woman then posted the footage on Facebook. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, complained to police that she had been raped by 22-year-old Stephen Brawn.
The woman who only found out about the video clip when a relative spotted that Brawn had uploaded it on to his Facebook page on May 30 told officers she had not consented to having sex when she was asleep and as a result had not given permission for it to be filmed.

Brawn admitted posting the footage on the social networking site, but he claimed the woman had earlier consented to him filming them having sex with her while she slept.
The woman claimed that she previously had no idea that Brawn had sex with her while she was asleep and had recorded it. The incident occurred on a day between May 10 and May 15 this year.
‘She says she wouldn’t have consented to sex between them being videoed while she was asleep’, she said
Mr Myatt said Brawn laughed when police arrested him on June 4 on suspicion of raping the woman at her home in Ipswich, Suffolk. He laughed when he was arrested because he could not believe the woman had accused him of raping her. He then made no comment when interviewed by police.
Brawn insists that the woman had asked him to record him having sex with her while she was asleep so that she could watch it the next morning. He said that he showed her the recording in the morning after she asked to see it and she then initiated sex with him.
Asked by his barrister Steven Dyble why he had posted the footage on his Facebook page he said: ‘I don’t know.’
He said that he and the woman had been exchanged intimate photographs on their mobile phones and he had also filmed her performing a sex act on him.
His friend Daniel Marden also gave evidence, saying that Brawn had told him that the woman had consented to being filmed.