A mother who wanted to build her confidence back up after giving birth to twins was dealt a blow when pictures showing her stretch marks that she put on Instagram were removed for containing ‘nudity and violence’.
Hannah Moore, 20, put the pictures online with the message: ‘nobody should be judged by their size because everyone is beautiful’.
Although her account has now been restored, she said the decision to block her account made her think her body is ‘clearly fat, ugly and disgusting and it made people feel sick’.
She said: ‘Two minutes after the picture was uploaded my account got closed down, my mouth just dropped and my eyes watered.

‘I don’t know why, it was out of the blue but I decided to post a picture of my belly on Instagram because I’ve had twins.
‘I had written underneath the picture how unconfident I had always been, how relationships have been hard and how hard it is to find clothes that I like.
‘I want not just myself but other women thin or bigger to love themselves and love their size because everyone is beautiful.
‘Instagram should be more careful in whose accounts they delete and look into it further. ‘

Hannah, of Broxburn in West Lothian, suffered from stretch marks after giving birth to twin girls Lily and Grace with fiance David Johnstone, 22, in June last year.
She posted the pictures on Wednesday but her account was immediately shut down.
‘I basically wrote that people should never get judged for the size and what they look like because everyone is beautiful,’ she said.
‘The picture was up two minutes until my Instagram logged out itself and then it came up saying my account has been shut down because of violations.

‘Nobody could get on my Instagram and nobody could search for it so someone had obviously reported the picture for nudity and all it was, was a picture of my belly and it has just took my confidence away.
‘It was just me that nobody should ever get judged no matter what size they are.
‘I felt so confident posting the picture showing my baby belly, my belly that carried twin girls for only six months.’
Instagram’s community guidelines state: ‘We know that there are times when people might want to share nude images that are artistic or creative in nature, but for a variety of reasons, we don’t allow nudity on Instagram.
‘Photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed.’
But Hannah believes she is not in breach of these guidelines despite her account being shut down.
Hannah, who was bullied during school for her weight, has been left with no confidence.
She added: ‘It made me think that my body is clearly fat, ugly and disgusting and it made people feel sick.
‘I wrote that no one should ever get judged or brought down by their size because it shouldn’t matter.
‘Now that nice weather is here I still feel that I need to cover myself up. I can’t go out without covering my arms or legs, I just feel like people are looking at me and are disgusted.’
A spokeswoman for Instagram did not wish to comment but said: ‘It was a technical mistake and the account has been restored.’