Cartoonists have created pictures to express their sorrow after the attacks in France. Here is a selection of art about the tragedy from around the world.
The most shared image after the attacks was the simple but powerful ‘Peace for Paris’ symbol.
Jean Jullien drew this when he heard on the radio about the terrorist attacks in his native France. While everyone else tried to share their feelings with words, he drew this picture, which quickly spread on social media.
He told the Telegraph: “It was my most direct reaction. Usually when I draw I make an image that will make people laugh, or communicate.
“But this time I felt like communicating something that made me and everybody very upset. It was just my way of sharing my reaction, of sharing a need for peace and solidarity in the face of such a disaster.”
This by Patrick Pinter is evocative of the vigils which have been held around the world. The candle is also a symbol of peace.
Steve Sack expressed the shock many of us felt and are still feeling.
This #ParisShooting cartoon is from Steve Sack more at: https://t.co/ivLLxMQOyV
Paris #Paris #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/LaFXWlD7Lf
— Daryl Cagle🗞📰 📚 📝🖌 🖥 🎨 (@dcagle) November 14, 2015
Plantu drew the Eiffel Tower shining a light over the city of Paris in the dark.
13 et 14 NOVEMBRE 2015.
(Le dessin Monde de ce samedi) pic.twitter.com/Arxv302OaS— PLANTU Officiel (@plantu) November 14, 2015
Carlos Latuff drew the bodies of victims under the French flag.
Le Dessin Du Jour: Paris Pleure Ses Morts – #fusillade pic.twitter.com/uzTCojJvtO
— Carlos Latuff (@LatuffCartoons) November 14, 2015
Le Figaro’s Damien drew a simple picture of blood falling from the French flag.
Rabii Rammal reminded us that love conquers.
L'amour vaincra. #Paris pic.twitter.com/C5hLCNi9gr
— Rabii Rammal (@rabiirammal) November 14, 2015
Designer AnthoDraw drew an outline of the city.
@Le_Figaro voilà mon dessin aussi pour soutenir Paris et la France ce soir 🙏 pic.twitter.com/gaIZseKwYH
— captain avoine (@AnthoDraw) November 14, 2015
Charlie Hebdo artist, Joann Sfar, has weighed in on the disaster.
Osama Hajjaj, from Jordan, drew this emotive and detailed cartoon.
#كاريكاتير_اسامه_حجاج #فرنسا #تفجيرات_باريس #باريس #osama_hajjaj #paris #paris_attacks #PorteOuverte #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/RXAyxSkQBs
— Osama Hajjaj (@osamacartoons) November 14, 2015
A message of solidarity and hope from Jeffery Koterba.
Tomorrow's cartoon. #Paris pic.twitter.com/8zivPv8Shx
— jeffrey koterba (@jeffreykoterba) November 14, 2015
Cristian Dzwonik, from Argentina drew the world weeping for Paris.
El dibujo del Domingo. #PrayForWorld #ParyForParis #Paris #PrayForUs pic.twitter.com/7AwsykN2O4
— Nik (@Nikgaturro) November 15, 2015
Italian footballer Andrea Bertolacci said “You are not alone” and shared this cartoon.
NON SIETE SOLI! ❤️🇫🇷#paris #prayforparis #jesuisparis pic.twitter.com/VIDrkc0GPv
— Andrea Bertolacci (@Bertolacci) November 14, 2015
And the Telegraph’s cartoonist Bob said “We are all behind you Francois”
@Telegraph cartoon on the #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/llc6lWzNjV
— Bob Moran (@bobscartoons) November 14, 2015