There was a major disaster that was averted on the second and final day of the two days historic crusade with Prophet TB Joshua, in Lima, Peru. One knows if it had happened, that would have been the major news headlines around the world. Because the world we all know, loves celebrating the bad news, compare to those good things that happen in the church they ignore. But thank God for the wisdom the Prophet applied in averting what would have cost the lives of many.
In the second day of the crusade, the stadium was filled to capacity and several overflows existed outside the Monumental Stadium in Lima, Peru. As is customary with Prophet T.B. Joshua after sharing God’s words, he immediately left the podium and went straight to where thousands of people were arraigned in the prayer line with diverse sicknesses and diseases.

As the healing and deliverance season was going on, the whole attention was focused on Prophet T.B. Joshua. Then, some large number of people on one side of the galleries in the Monumental Stadium began to push forward forcefully, perhaps to have access to touch Prophet T.B. Joshua who was then ministering healings and deliverances to the people in the prayer line.
Sensing what is about to happen, the Prophet immediately stopped the deliverance and healing ministration. He went straight towards that part of the gallery and told the overwhelming desperate crowd that he came to save souls and not to destroy souls. He said unless they all returned to their respective seats, he will discontinue the healing season. He then took a plastic chair and sat down as a protest, until those people returned to their seat. When he was sure all was okay, he then stood up and continued with what he knows how to do best. Here is the image taken from T.B. Joshua’s Facebook page of the Prophet sitting in protest, waiting for the crowd to go back.

Prominent Peruvian dignitaries were in attendances on the day of the historic crusade, one of whom included Elias Cuba Bautista, the Mayor of La Victoria, Lima’s most populous district, who presented Prophet T.B. Joshua with the symbolic key. “I give you the key to our city in acknowledgement of your outstanding work,” he stated.
Being the true man of God that he is, upon receiving the honour, Prophet T.B. Joshua said he was receiving the honour on behalf of the people God has delivered and healed today.

On the same night, the Prophet received an additional honour from General Juan Gonzales Sandoval, the President of the Generals, Admirals and Officers of Peru’s Armed Forces. Presenting Joshua with a ‘Medal of Honour’, Peru’s highest military distinction, the General said, “This is a very special decoration to the most highly distinguished people which our national police and nation bestows,” he stated.
He lauded Prophet T.B. Joshua’s humble personality stating that he was an example to other religious leaders.” Your humility is an earmark that makes you great,” he stated.

The event was broadcast live on Emmanuel TV including, Facebook and YouTube Live stream. The ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua has previously held similar historic international crusades in the nation of Mexico, Colombia, South Korea, Indonesia and many other foreign countries. The question that remains on the lips of the people is which country Prophet T.B. Joshua will go next.