Tanko Yakassai, a special adviser to former president Shehu Shagari has reprimanded President Mohammadu Buhari and the All Progressive Congress for the invitation of deputy senate president,Ike Ekweremadu to the force head quarters.
In an interview in Kano state, on Monday 25th 2015, Yakassai said the invitation was at the instance of the President Buhari and the All Progressive Congress and the move is dangerous to democracy in Nigeria.
He said Mr. Buhari and APC leaders acted in desperation they lacked basic knowledge of the procedures and rules of the national assembly.
“I think the problems here is that neither Buhari, nor Oyegun or any serious member of the APC are truly aware of the basic knowledge of the national assembly, they should use this chance to have some know-how of the settings and rules therein.”
He said the removal of Ekweremadu would not work because it would require the participation of all members of the red chamber whereas his election required a simple majority.