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Wednesday, March 26, 2025


reno omokri daily meditations

Daily Meditations: Think Before Saying To God

While praying or when in a place of worship, think twice before you utter anything to God. Because God is not like a man....

Daily Meditations: Spirit, Soul And Body

It beats me that people argue about the fact that man is a spirit that lives in a body and has a soul as...

Daily Meditations: You Are A Spirit

You don't have a spirit. You are a spirit. It is a body that you have. You are what you are forever. But what...

Daily Meditations: Hold Up Under Pressure

If you ever truly understand the real purpose of stress in your life, you would never ask the question, 'God, why me'? Many bosses admit...

Daily Meditations: Being The Hands Of Yeshu’a

In John 9:35-36 we read, "And Yeshua heard that they had cast him out, and he found him and said to him, “Do you...

Daily Meditations: Faith And Fear

The reason why people are either incurable optimists (a person who see hope in the future) or incurable pessimists (a person who believes the...

Daily Meditations: Words Are Creative Not Just Communicative

The first recorded words spoken on earth are "let there be light" - Genesis 1:3 proving that as far as earth is concerned, the...

Daily Meditations: Rejection Should Be A Springboard For Success

Don't see rejection by others as a setback. Don't even step back because men reject you. The best use for rejection is to use...

Daily Meditations: Prosperity Does Not Come From Receiving

It is a misnomer to think that you can get rich by taking and that a giver gets poorer by giving.No. Consider agriculture. Every...

Daily Meditations: Believe Rather Than If

To get anything from God, you have to approach Him in faith. If you come to Him with ifs, it means your faith is...

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