16.1 C
New York
Wednesday, March 19, 2025



7 Mistakes That Kill New Friendships

When I've talked with women (and men) about the challenges they face making friendships, I commonly hear that the hardest part is not always...

3 Things A Dirty Shower Says To Your Girlfriend

Don’t forget to clean the bathroom before your gal pays a visit or you risk being judged by one of the most unforgiving things...

4 Great Things About Being Married To A Younger Man

When I married my husband in 1991, I was in my late 20s and my husband was, well, a few years younger. It wasn't...

First Person: Why I Hated the Term Soul Mate (Until Yesterday)

by Evelyn Lauer "Soul mate." Even the words make me cringe. They scream Hollywood and Hallmark and cheesy movies where the female protagonist gets the...

5 Expert Tips For Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships have always had the stigma that they don't work. Some relationships experts disagree. "Having a successful, long distance relationship is possible,"...

10 Sexy Ways To Say ‘I’m Sorry’

So, you have had a nasty fight with your significant other? And now you want to redeem yourself. Fret not! Help is at hand!...

21 Ways To Touch A Woman

In my last article we covered the basics of how to touch a woman. While all of that knowledge is useful, none of it...

10 Top Things Guys Don’t Want You To Know

1. We can get emotional too, or whatever. We’re just usually pretty good at suppressing it. Please understand that if we say something like, “You...

The ONE Thing To Do And Attract Your ‘Soul Mate’

by Lisa McCourt You’re a HealYourLifer, so I know you’re savvy on the idea that the best way to bring anything into your life is...

Things I Learnt From Helping My Dad, Kenneth Copeland (READ)

by John Copeland Steadfast and committed! Of all the things I could say about my dad, Kenneth Copeland, those two words really stand out, because that’s...

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