Ufot Ekong, a Nigerian student who studied Robotics and Electrical Engineering at the Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan, has emerged the best all round graduating...
Academy award-winning actor, Denzel Washington, while giving a commencement speech at Dilliard University, New Orleans on Sunday, May 10, 2015, to "put God first."
by Joan Graci
Because higher education doesn’t bridge the gap between curriculum and real world demands, many millennials are drowning in student-loan debt or being under-utilized...
China is rather exotic and sometimes it’s almost impossible to understand Chinese people. Maybe these 20 facts will help you understand the country better.
NAN - The Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, said on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 that 22,000 Nigerian graduates benefited from the Federal Government’s...