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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Francis Anekwe

John S. Mbiti – Father of Theology of African Religion: A Tribute By Francis Anekwe Oborji

Prof. John S. Mbiti (1931-2019), in the introduction to his seminal book, “African Religions and Philosophy”, published in 1969, wrote: “Although many African languages do...

Francis Anekwe: Nigeria At Crossroads Between Democracy And Sharia Ideology [MUST READ]

It is fitting to begin this article with a quotation from the famous Willink’s Commission Report of 1958, which led to Nigeria’s independence in...

Francis Anekwe: Implications Of Killer-Herdsmen Symbol On The New Nigerian Passport [MUST READ]

As I woke up this morning, Friday, July 12, 2019, I was greeted with the following WhatsApp message on my cellphone: “I am so sad...

Francis Anekwe: Treacherous Christian Politicians and Denial of Persecution Of Christians in Nigeria [MUST READ]

Permit me to preface this article by quoting verbatim from the Gospel account of Judas Iscariot’s atrocious treachery: “While they were eating Jesus said to...

Unfolding Islamization Agenda: Where Are The Churches And Christians Of Nigeria? [MUST READ]

We would like to begin our present article with the following passages from Prophet Hosea: “My people perish for want of knowledge. Since you yourself...

Why Buhari Government Threat to Shutdown Enugu International Airport is Suspicious [MUST READ]

For sometimes now, one has been wondering, what actually is the problem the present federal government of Nigeria has with people of the Southeast?...

Lamin Sanneh: A Foremost African Theologian From Gambia [MUST READ]

Lamin Sanneh (1942-2019), a foremost African theologian of our time from Gambia in West Africa, was called to great beyond on January 6, 2019,...

No Religious Agenda In The Struggle Of The Pro-Biafra Youth [MUST READ]

In recent weeks, I have received some write-ups in the social media of some few individuals, trying to interpret the struggle for freedom and...

Francis Anekwe Oborji: Is The Church Political Or Apolitical In Nigeria?

“These are difficult times in the history of Nigeria. As people of faith, we must work hard and also pray hard for the future...

Patrice Lumumba @ 93: A Model Leader And Martyr Africa Needs Today [MUST READ]

"For this independence of the Congo, although being proclaimed today by agreement with Belgium, an amicable country, with which we are on equal terms,...

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