8.7 C
New York
Thursday, November 21, 2024


cheta nwanze

Cheta Nwanze: How France Has Been Raping Africa For Centuries [TWEETS]

So this one is in keeping with the theme of Western exploitation. It's about France and its relationship with Africa. https://twitter.com/Chxta/status/447443020355735552 https://twitter.com/Chxta/status/447443201818112000 https://twitter.com/Chxta/status/447443425013809152 https://twitter.com/Chxta/status/447443909170720769 https://twitter.com/Chxta/status/447444087990673408 Prior to independence, St...

Cheta Nwanze: Why There Will Never Be A Revolution In Nigeria

Why is it that Nigeria is still cursed with generally bad governments? It is because we are a resilient people. Is that bad? Let's...

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