Following Bola Tinubu's demand of N20 billion and stoppage in transmission of a documentary titled “Unmasking The Real Tinubu” aired by African Independent Television...
President Goodluck Jonathan, who is seeking re-election was on the Africa Independent Television programme, Kakaaki, on Thursday, March 5. 2015 where he talked in...
A recent documentary which was aired on Africa Independent Television (AIT) has drawn the attention of the Nigerian electorate to the person of former...
A youth organisation under the aegis of Coalition Northern Nigeria Muslim Youths (CONNMY) have threatened to "extinguish" the presence of Daar Communications (franchise owner...
The All Progressives Congress (APC) and its presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari has announced that it would not be taking part in the presidential...
Former commissioner of police for Rivers state and the Federal Capital territory (FCT) and current Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of police for zone 7,...