Ephesians 4:27 ERV “Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.”
I’ve heard people say that Satan doesn’t have power. It’s not a sin to think or say that, but he does have power. Look at it this way; that Jesus said all power in heaven and earth were given to Him doesn’t mean that angels in heaven don’t have power, neither does it mean that Muhammad Ali or president Goodluck Jonathan doesn’t have power.
Satan was an angel and he has angelic powers till now. That’s why he goes about seeking whom to devour; that’s why he blinds the hearts of men so that they wouldn’t receive the gospel and that’s why he still oppresses people. But, Jesus defeated him! Hallelujah! And in Christ, we have power over Satan and every demon underneath him. Glory to God!
The Christian defeated by Satan is the one who let Satan defeat him. In other words, living in continuous victory over the devil is up to you and I. Don’t permit Satan to mess you up for any reason! Don’t be ignorant; don’t compromise; develop your faith and live a holy life. And put on the whole armour of God!
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