Jonah 4:2 ERV “He complained to the Lord and said, “Lord, I knew this would happen! I was in my own country, and you told me to come here. At that time I knew that you would forgive the people of this evil city, so I decided to run away to Tarshish. I knew that you are a kind God. I knew that you show mercy and don’t want to punish people. I knew that you are kind, and if these people stopped sinning, you would change your plans to destroy them.”
Jonah was angry with God for forgiving the wicked and evil people of Nineveh! But God is good!
God is not willing that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance! Rahab was a prostitute, Paul was a murderer, the Samaritan woman was an adultress, Zacchaeus was a cheat and corrupt public servant, and the man Jesus said would be with Him in paradise was a thief! And they were all saved! Glory to God!
There’s nothing a man or woman has done that cannot be forgiven! And can I tell you something? God sent His Son to die for us all while we were yet sinners! God is for everyone who accepts Him! It is His desire to have all men saved! The good news is that you won’t have to suffer the consequences of whatever you’ve done when you repent, because all our sins were laid on Jesus! What a loving God He is! He is so kind and merciful. Hallelujah!
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