[dropcap]I[/dropcap] have noted with utter dismay attempts by some to claim that those who are asking for just proper trials and respect for the rule of law are supporting corruption.
The people pushing this agenda are actually the corrupt ones hiding behind the necessity to punish looters to make rather satanic calls for the suspension of the constitution so that a few people can pass judgement and punish perceived thieves.
These people in their wisdom prefer that a few innocent people get jailed or even shot or hanged in the process of trying to rid the country of looters.
They want injustice to be collateral damage.
Let me say here and now that while I agree totally that there is an urgent need to prosecute and convict looters, there is no reasonable substitution for fairness.
Just like the inability to punish offenders encourages corruption, so also does injustice of any kind no matter how well disguised.
The argument that the inability to jail offenders encourages impunity is 100% correct…when you fail to jail a thief, other people will say maybe I should steal too. After all nothing happened to Mr A… it’s worse when you jail the innocent, more people will be encouraged to steal too knowing there will always be a fall guy but in addition, many innocent people who have been sent to jail will be hardened and may have the mindset to commit crimes..they will say, ‘So they have jailed me for stealing…I might as well’.
I keep on shouting about building lasting institutions instead of individuals.
The days where monuments stood dedicated to brave men and women who fought and won hard long battles and were awarded a heroic status has passed.
Legacies are now the new monuments.
It is no longer men and women that conquered lands that are heroic. It is now men and women who promote ideas that can change the world.
It is for that reason Nigeria must begin to promote a culture of doing things right.
In Nigeria we like worshipping people… this guy is so successful and that guy is so honest as if we are…but funny enough after building empires the man dies and all you hear about is how the empire they built crumbled a few months after they passed.
I don’t need to give examples..
For governments they should begin to build legacies…
They must build..
Schools and hospitals equipped with not only the right equipment but the right framework and systems that will endure for 100’s of years to come.
Courts where justice can truly be done and be seen to be done.
Armed forces where the most important legacy would be the mindset of the men and women in uniform.
The substitute to justice is anarchy…
The substitute to fairness is wickedness..
The substitute for freedom is death.
Sola Kuti (SK) is a new age politician, a serial entrepreneur and social justice crusader with a passion for children. He has been a member of the PDP for 12 years. Connect with him on Facebook.
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author.