The rapper who shot his VH1 star wife and then turned the gun on himself while FaceTiming boxing champ Floyd Mayweather had flown into a rage over her alleged fling with a singer known as ‘Mr Steal Your Girl’.
Earl Hayes, a friend and associate of Mayweather Jr., shot wife Stephanie Moseley, a dancer who starred in the show Hit The Floor, over her alleged infidelity with singer Trey Songz.
Hayes is believed to have shot his wife and then turned the gun on himself at a high-end L.A. apartment complex, according to police sources.

Stephanie Moseley, a dancer and actress in the VH1 drama series Hit The Floor and rapper Earl Hayes were found dead at a high-end L.A. apartment complex in an apparent murder-suicide on Monday.
Sources connected with Hayes told TMZ that roughly two years ago the rapper separated from Stephanie because of her alleged affair with Songz.

Trey Songz earned the nickname ‘Mr Steal Your Girl’ from a song on his sixth album Trigga.
The couple reconciled, but a source told the news site that Hayes ‘was crushed and never got over it’.
He is said to have continuously brought up the affair and accused his wife of having multiple flings with various other entertainers.
Hours after the news of the deaths broke, on Monday night Songz tweeted: ‘R.I.P babygirl. Once an angel on earth, now watching over us from Heaven. You’ll b missed but never forgotten. Love.’
Grammy-nominated Songz – real name Tremaine Aldon Neverson – earned the nickname ‘Mr Steal Your Girl’ from his songs that talk about his various conquests and brag about stealing other men’s girlfriends.
He also has a song called I Invented Sex and will be supporting Nicki Minaj on her European tour next year.
TMZ reported that Mayweather was a witness to the murder-suicide and heard everything after Hayes called him in a rage over his wife’s alleged infidelity.
When the rapper said he was going to kill his wife, Mayweather pleaded with him not to – but to no avail.
LAPD raced to the Palazzo East apartments at 7:30 a.m. after residents heard a woman screaming and up to 10 gunshots, a police spokesperson said.
A SWAT team was forced to knock down the door of the apartment and once inside found a back bedroom door closed.