The Nigerian Army Tuesday quietly buried several soldiers at the military cemetery in Maiduguri. The Soldiers, THISDAY gathered, are believed to be the 105 Battalion during a fierce gun battle with Nigerian Troops at Gudun-bali, Borno State last week.
“Gudunbali was attacked this morning and some weapons were captured from the battalion. Two officers and 105 soldiers are still missing,” the platform sources had informed PREMIUM TIMES. The Nigerian military has claimed series of victories over the militants in recent weeks. On Monday, the army claimed that it captured and destroyed a factory where the group makes rockets and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).
RELATED: Dear Nigerians, Someone Is Trying To Cover Up ‘105 Dead Or Missing Soldiers’ [MUST READ]

RELATED: ‘It’s Evil’: Fani Kayode Blasts Buhari For Covering Up Death Of Nigerian Soldiers [TWEETS]
A Military source in Maiduguri said bodies of the men were brought to “Maiduguri Monday evening”. The Military authorities, in an attempt to keep the news away from the Public, had denied that soldiers were killed or missing, describing the report as a “fabrication of the imagination of those sympathetic to Boko Haram ways.
The Army Spokesman in Maiduguri, Colonel Tukur Ismail Gusau, had said Boko Haram attacked the location of the 157 Battalion, but they were “subsequently repelled by the gallant troops of the unit” adding that the unit’s commanding officer remained in contact with his Brigade.
The terrorists were reported to have captured a T-72 Tank in the attack as well as several military artillery weapons . The source who confirmed the burial of the 105 missing soldiers yesterday said about 34 men of the 118 Battalion were also killed by the insurgents last week.
“These deaths marks a low point in the war against the terrorists”, the source stated.
RELATED: 105 Soldiers, T-72 Tank Missing Following Fierce Battle With Boko Haram In Borno (DETAILS)

But Col. Usman informed THISDAY that the burial that took place was not that of the purported 105 dead or mission soldiers. He stated that burial of the soldiers close to the theatre of war was a routine military procedure.
Meanwhile, Nigeria’s Former Minister of Aviation, Olufemi Fani-Kayode, has taken a swipe at President Muhammadu Buhari, the Minister of Defence, Rtd Brig. Gen. Mansur Mohammed Dan Ali and the Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Tukur Yusuf Buratai over the alleged ‘secret burial’ of soldiers killed by Boko Haram insurgents.
RELATED: Nigerian Army Says 105-Missing-Soldiers Story Is ‘Boko Haram Propaganda’ | STATEMENT
RELATED: General Buratai Says No Soldiers Are Missing In War Against Boko Haram
“The most reprehensible thing that our government can do is to cover-up the fact that 105 of our soldiers were killed by Boko Haram in battle.It is evil”.
“A soldier ought to be honored in death and this is especially so if he dies in the course of doing his duty and fighting for his nation”.
“The government has not only dishonored them by not acknowledging their sacrifice but they have also buried them in the wilderness like rabid dogs”
“This is wickedness of the highest order and Pres. Buhari, his Chief of Army Staff and his Min. of Defence should bury their heads in shame”.
“I am outraged by the fact that a soldier will sacrifice his life for his country yet the citizens of that country don’t even appreciate it,” he posted on his Twitter Handle.
The most reprehensible thing that our govt. can do is to cover-up the fact that 105 of our soldiers were killed by BH in battle.It is evil.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
A soldier ought to be honored in death and this is especially so if he dies in the course of doing his duty and fighting for his nation.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
The govt. has not only dishonored them by not acknowledging their sacrifice but they have also buried them in the wilderness like rabid dogs
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
This is wickedness of the highest order and Pres. Buhari, his Chief of Army Staff and his Min. of Defence should bury their heads in shame.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
Anyone that buys the lie and propaganda that the 105 soldiers never died and that they are still alive is a compound fool or village idiot.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
Will the military also deny the fact that 2 days ago 34 of our soldiers were killed by BH. These boys died for their country. Why deny them?
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
I am outraged by the fact that a soldier will sacrifice his life for his country yet the citizens of that country dont even appreciate it.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
Pictures were posted. Everyone in the military knows they are dead. It is an open secret. Yet because govt denies it so many just believe.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
The truth is that BH used chemical weapons inthe attack.When u look at the pictures of the dead bodies it is obvious. Probably mustard gas.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
All we want from the military is the truth. If 105 were not killed then how many were killed?
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
This thing happened last week in Borno state and the military authorities are denying it. I am sickened by that.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
If others cannot appreciate the importance of honoring our dead soldiers, I can. I will not be intimidated and I will not remain silent. .
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
Tell us where our boys are buried and if u refuse to do so we will keep asking. There must be accountability.Our soldiers deserve rhat much.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
Finally let it be said loud and clear that since Buhari came to power he has not bought one bullet for the military. Shame on them.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
You say u are fighting BH yet u were nominated as their spokesman and chief negotiator 2 years ago in proposed peace talks with Fed. Govt..
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
U say u are fighting BH but the first thing u did when u came to power was to remove military checkpoints.This guaranteed BH free movement.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
U say u are fighting BH but the man u appointed as ur NSA was retired from army a few years ago for ordering the release of BH terrorists.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
U say u are fighting BH last year u told the world that an qttack on BH is an attack on the north.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
U say u are fighting BH yet since u came to power BH has grown,regained territory and has been declared the worlds most deadly terror group
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015
U say u are fighting BH yet since u came to power Nigeria has been declared as the world's 3rd most terrorised country.
— Femi Fani-Kayode (@realFFK) November 25, 2015