There’s a story going round at the moment that a Pakistani political leader and cleric has declared war on women wearing jeans.
Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman is reported by the New Indian Express of saying that ‘immodest women’ were to blame for earthquakes, inflation and other disasters.
The paper reports that he was speaking at a press conference in Islmabad when he made his the comments.
He was also reported to have asked the Pakistani prime minister and head of the army to declare war on such women.
Instead he would rather see women ‘wrapped in sacks and kept inside homes’ under Shariah law, according to the New Indian Express.
But the veracity of the rerport cannot be verified.
In fact, the original source, not cited in the piece, appears to be a satire website Khabaristan Times which has the tagline ‘telling it almost like it never is’. The website is also running an article about a selfie bringing an airport to a standstill.