Jim Guell was tired of seeing billboards advertising sex shops when he looked outside of his bedroom window each day, so he decided to take action, posting a massive signboard of his own that carries a very different message.
“Porn destroys love,” it reads, along with a religious question for drivers passing by: “What would Jesus say about pornography?”
Guell, 73, who posted the billboard near Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where there are reportedly numerous advertisements for two separate sex shops already on display on Highway 41, said that he felt it was time to take action to counter the shops’ messaging.
“It got to be too much,” he told WBAY-TV. “I figured, well a person needs to take a stand and raise these issues, and let people know what those businesses really are.”
Guell said that he’s hoping his ad, which was funded by the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic group, will help people realize that these sex shops sell “pornographic and sexually related articles,” among other elements and that porn is the “greatest blight there is on society.”
The billboard is expected to be up for at least six months, coming in at a cost of $6,000, according to the Journal Sentinel.
And Ronald Boda, who owns the billboard space where the adult store ads and Guell’s message are currently on display, decided to post a second billboard of his own that reads, “Got God?”
Boda reportedly told the Journal Sentinel that the message has nothing to do with the sex shops.
“I felt obligated. God’s been good to me. It’s hard taking a solid religious stand when you believe in the freedom of speech,” he told the outlet. “It’s been a conflicting issue for me this whole time, but what do you do? What do you do?”
Boda added in an interview with WBAY-TV that he sometimes allows messages he disagrees with on his billboards due to his belief in the First Amendment.