Nobody would argue that Kim Kardashian is an everywoman, but this picture proves she’s certainly trying to be every type of woman at the same time.
This picture is worth a thousand words
The stroller says “I’m a mommy,” but her boobs say “I’m a sex goddess.” Her silver eyeliner says “I’m a party animal,” while her nude lipstick says “I’m a natural beauty.” Her retro blowout says “I’m pulled together” while her blazer, well, isn’t. But above all, her shoulder pads say “I’m a professional,” which she most certainly is. (Kardashian’s estimatedworth is $45 million.)
Baby + boobs + beauty + blowout + blazer = BOOM. Kim Kardashian is having it all, at one time, in one picture.
Three cheers for Kim Kardashian, the Mrs. Potato Head of modern womanhood.