A toddler has gotten more than she bargained for, after her head got stuck in a toilet seat and needed some help from firefighters to regain her freedom.
The incident happened on Thursday, April 16, 2015 while the 2-year-old Makynli Hood from Seaham, a small town in County Durham, England was playing with the training seat which her mum bought for her but unfortunately had her neck trapped.
Hood’s new found toy dangled like a giant necklace on her neck while she screamed with great impatience to have the burden lifted off her neck.

According to Metro UK, the toddler’s 23-year-old mum, Aimee, bought the seat for potty training, but it looks like she needs a bit more practice.
Aimee said, “She has an obsession with putting things on her head and neck – she’s always pinching my knickers out of the dryer to wear as a necklace.’
“But on Thursday, she was playing with the toilet seat at their home in Seaham, County Durham, when she got stuck.
“I tried greasing her up with baby shampoo and Fairy Liquid thinking that would help get it off but it still wouldn’t budget – all it did was turn her green.”
Aimee also explained how she enlisted the help of her cousin to remove the seat,all to no avail before they called on the fire brigade who finally helped the little girl regain her freedom.
Her mum added, “It’s definitely a story to tell her when she’s older. I’m never getting rid of the pictures.”