What’s the most expensive dish you’ve ever had? N25,000? N50,000? N100,000?
Whatever it is, it must be extemely cheap compared to this gold ice-cream you are seeing (above).
In a recent survey of the most expensive dishes in New York, several expensive dishes were discovered. The most catchy of them all being this $25,000 (approximately N4 million) ice-cream sundae.
According to TablehoppingNY, the ice-cream contains a blend of 28 different rare varieties of cacao, including 14 of the world’s most expensive kinds, that Serendipity 3 puts into this chocolate indulgence. Next there’s the requisite edible gold that adorns the sundae and lines the goblet it’s served in. More to the point, there’s also an 18-karat gold bracelet with a carat of diamonds at the bottom of the sundae, and you’ll be getting to it with a gold spoon decked out with white and chocolate diamonds both of which you’ll be taking home with you.
So, will you buy?