by Justin Kay
With summer rapidly approaching, makeup trends float towards the effortlessly dewy, refreshed, just hydrated enough skin. Not for us oily girls. We often suffer from #makeupmeltdown. No matter how much air conditioning, fanning, powder, and oil-absorbing sheets-which Starbucks napkins are an excellent dupe for, by the way-the grease seems to always seep through our perfectly beat faces and interrupt all scheduled summer frolicking.
After doing a bit of research during the horrendous winter we experienced in New York City this year, I diagnosed myself with a case of dehydrated skin, despite its oil slick appearance. My makeup meltdowns were truly caused by my skin drinking the water in my foundation and concealer. It would look a shiny, patchy mess because my skin needed a drink; not because it was overflowing. I’ve also embarked on a recent hair journey, getting to know the true texture of my hair and what it can handle. While it’s thick and needs moisture and protein, it’s also very fine: meaning it can be weighed down easily by product overload.
Here are the oils which have become essentials in my skin and haircare wardrobe (I’m sense a theme with beans and nuts):
For the Face:
Hazelnut, Camomile, Sweet Almond, Soybean Oils: These four oils are all formulated to be lightly hydrating, easily absorbed, encourage cell rejuvenation, and even antimicrobial. I have Hazelnut and Sweet Almond to thank for bringing my skin back to life after the long winter, while also keeping nasty oil slick face away while keeping my skin hydrated. I do not recommend moisturizing with an oil in the morning for oily skinned beauties; combination skinned girls may get away with it. Camomile and Soybean take every last bit of makeup off my face, without drying out my skin or burning my eyes. If you’re looking for some stronger oils for less sensitive skin, I recommend tea tree and lavender oil, for their anti-inflammatory, acne reducing powers. Face Favorite: Clarins Lotus Face Treatment Oil
For the Hair:
Castor, Sweet Almond, Olive Oils: Unlike most of my face oils, all three of these do different things for my hair. Castor oil for thickness–which does work amazing on eyelashes by the way; put on with a q-tip at night, in 2 weeks time you’ll have nice full lashes!– sweet almond oil, as I stated above, is lightly hydrating and easily absorbed. This means it won’t weigh down my fine strands, and will allow me to style my hair to the highest of voluminous heights. Olive oil is what I use to cut the castor oil; castor oil is extremely thick, similar to syrup, with a not-so pleasant smell: olive oil helps to thin out my beauty cocktails while also adding moisture. Hair Favorite: Jamaican Black Castor Oil
For the Body:
Hawaiian Kukui Nut Oil, Brazilian Nut, Coconut Oils: Took me all the way to the end to mention the classic coconut! I find coconut oil the most hydrating pick, while Hawaiian Kukui and Brazilian improve my skin’s texture and tone, while also adding shine (just in time for miniskirt season!). Hey, if it’s good enough for Lupita, it’s good enough for me. Body Favorites: Tree Hut Shea Butter in Hawaiian Kukui or Brazilian Nut (their scrubs are amazing as well!)
Justine Kay is Graduate of Quinnipiac University, Culinary Lover, Writer, and Beauty Obsessed. She tweets @justlydiak. This article was published on HuffPost.