Oh No! Girl Wears Mom’s 5 INCH HEELS To Graduation, The Unimaginable Happens (VIDEO)


A young girl  has apparently experienced what could pass for the most embarrassing moment of her life at her graduation ceremony.

According to Media Take Out, the unidentified girl wore her mom’s 5 inch heels to the occasion and when she was called out to get her certificate, she walked up obviously lacking confidence.

The crowd of onlookers cooed and booed and halfway down, the poor girl’s ankles gave out on her and she came crashing.

Girl Wears Her Mama’s 5 INCH HEELS To Graduation . . . And When She Tries To WALK UP TO GET HER Diploma . . . Her ANKLES Gave Out On Her!!! (Poor THING . . . LOL)

Posted by Mediatakeout on Friday, May 15, 2015


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