The horrible sight of the decapitated remains of a woman and her two dogs were discovered inside her home by police around 9:45pm on Saturday, July 25, 2015.
Speculations by Phoenix police officers say the suspect also severed his left arm and plucked one of his own eyeballs at the scene located in around 13th Place and Colter Street.

A police spokesman, Sgt.Trent Crump, said, “A male neighbor knocked on the door of the apartment to check on the 43-year-old suspect, whom he hadn’t seen since the day before. When the man, whose name was not immediately released, answered the door, his left arm was severed at the elbow and his left eyeball was missing.
“The neighbor could see that the apartment’s floors and walls were covered in blood and immediately contacted authorities. Officers saw several knives in the residence, and it remains unknown which were used during the slaying and self-mutilation.

According to reports, it was unknown if the suspect was referring to the woman and the dogs or other relatives, but police are checking on other family members.
The suspect was rushed to a hospital where he went through a surgery.
“These two have a history of a domestic-violence relationship,” said Crump.