The Miss BumBum competition might not have ended as rosy as we all thought it did as a runner-up shared a gory story of how she almost died following a plastic surgery to enhance her butts for the show.
The competition which is aimed at crowning the woman with the biggest and most beautiful bum bum had made a whole lot of the contestants delve into some regrettable deals.
The first runner up of the 2012 edition of the contest, in Osasco, in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 24, 2012, Andressa Urach recently narrated how she was injected with chemical filler injections in order to get a curvier figure but things turned sour in 2013 as the chemical fillers began to rot her body tissue.

According to Daily Mail the 27-year-old the model, who is now confined to wheel chair with holes on her legs has decided to warn other women of the dangers of plastic surgery.
Although doctors succeeded in saving her life, Urach confessed that she really went through hell.
On Saturday, November 29, 2014, Urach had felt so sick that she was rushed to the hospital for immediate medical attention.
She went into coma and was unconscious for three days.

Recalling that moment amidst tears, Urach said, “I remember it as clearly as day. I was in a place, a vast, empty plain, it was so quiet, and I was alone. I felt that I had died, I knew it. I felt God’s presence above me.
‘My life flashed before me like a film. I felt ashamed and knew I wasn’t worthy to enter heaven. I asked for forgiveness and begged for another chance, promised to make amends.

Urach who now regrets her action said her quest for a nice body landed her an ugly and irritating one.
She said, “I’m paying now for my vanity. I was extremely vain. Everything in search of perfection,” Urach told the Mail. “But instead of making my body more beautiful, I ended up damaging it instead and making it ugly.”
“I never thought twice about going under the knife, and when people warned me of the dangers I just thought, ‘I’ll deal with that if it happens.
“I’d go to the doctor like I go to the supermarket, saying I wanted this, that and the other. I just wanted people to look at me and think, ‘wow”‘.
On her daughter’s condition, Urach’s mother,Marisete De Favari who has a very strong conviction that her daughter would get well someday said, “I’m sure that my dear Jesus is wonderful and will cure it.”
The model-turned TV Presenter however, is determined to spend the rest of her life enlightening other women on the dangers of cosmetic surgery after she learnt her lesson the hard way.
She said, ” I’m in the public eye, so people heard about me. But what about all the other women around the world who are dying because of cosmetic surgery and nobody gets to hear?
” How many women have injected themselves with these substances believing they need to conform to a certain image, and ended up dead? Personally I think the person who invented them needs to be thrown into prison.
‘Please, ladies, don’t do it. It’s a poison you’re putting into your body, something you are risking your whole life for. It’s not worth it. Believe me, I found out the hard way.’