The ongoing road construction on Apapa Expressway is causing high traffic on the road and armed robbers are taking advantage of the situation to rob road users, this is according to people who ply that route.
The robbery situation has reached its all time high with robbery incidents being reported on daily basis.
Two MTN female staff working in Apapa branch were robbed this morning, March 6, 2014 on their way to the office.
According to reports, one of the victims who was also robbed last week was stabbed in the eye with a knife after the robbers broke their car window.
Members of the public are asking security agents to look more into this robbery attack and perpetrators of this inhumane acts be caught and made to face the full force of the law, and also provide maximum security for citizens who work and reside in that area.
See photos of the victim in the hospital and the scene of the robbery below: