A 33-year-old mother of two girls had been electrocuted to death in her sleep by her husband because she had a baby girl against the baby boy he was desperate to get.
The 29-year-old man, Veysi Turan was arrested for fixing a bare electric flex to his wife’s feet while she was fast asleep.

Reports by paramedics revealed that the deceased woman, simply identified as Mubarek must have given up following the shock that jolted her from sleep.
During his trial in court Turan confessed that he had engaged in a heated fight with his at their home in Diyarbakir, Turkey, after she gave birth to their second daughter instead of a son, Mirror UK reports.
He further disclosed that he murdered her out of fury exactly a day after she had given birth to a baby girl last year.
Prosecutors however refuted the claims stating that he had bought electric cable, thick insulating rubber gloves and plugs to use in the murder a day before he carried out the dastardly act.
During the ruling, judges at the Diyarbakir 2nd Heavy Penal Court sentenced Turan to a life imprisonment.
They said, “You plotted this murder in great detail well in advance of carrying it out.
“Your callous behaviour has left two children without a mother, and now no father either.”