A 60-year-old convicted rapist and cannibal, Vasile Lavric, nicknamed ‘The Woman Eater,’ who allegedly killed his wife and sisters and ate their bodies thereafter has been freed by a court in Radauti, north-eastern Romania.

The convicted rapist maintained that his business would go down if he remained in custody pending his trial and the botched police investigation had taken much time already.
Following the introduction of electronic tags in the eastern European country, people awaiting trial can argue they deserve the right to spend time at home if their case has been taking a long time.

Lavric, who was formerly a car mechanic was arrested in April for an alleged murder of three sisters Luliana, Nicoleta and Ramona Lordache between 1995 and 2005.
After the death of his first wife following a heart attack in 1993, ‘The Woman Eater’ reportedly got married to a woman simply identified as Nicoleta,18, although he reportedly had affairs with the other two.
According to Daily Star reports, Nicoleta’s parents claim he also had an affair with younger sister Luliana, who disappeared in 1995. Ten years later, in 2005, Nicoleta went missing and a few months after her, youngest sister Romana, who had also begun an affair with Lavric and started living with him, also disappeared.
A police insider said, “We made a big mistake on this one, despite all the evidence it took far too long for it to be put together and it was only when a special team was put together to investigate it that we had him.
“It’s crazy that a man with this much evidence is allowed to be free but that’s what happens when a case is not tackled for so long. To my mind the EU rules never considered electronic tagging in countries that did not have electronic tags.”