Fruitvale Station is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Ryan Coogler. The film was Coogler’s first feature length film and is based on the true story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year old Bay Area resident. Grant, who wakes up on the morning of December 31, 2008 and decides he, wants to get a head start on his resolutions of being a better son to his mother, being a better partner to his girlfriend, Sophina and being a better father to Tatiana, their four year old daughter. The day took a tragic turn and Grant was shot in cold blood at the Fruitvale Subway Station. Actor, Michael B. Jordan launched his stardom after his breathtaking performance in the film. The film gained international acclaim and had unexpected success. Since the airing of the film, Michael B. Jordan has been everywhere.
Jordan has new film, “That Awkward Moment,” was the center of an interview in Glamour magazine alongside his co-stars in the movie, Zac Efron and Miles Teller. The interview focused on the actors’ opinion on the many aspects of intimate relationships. During the interview, Jordan shared his thoughts on dating, what he looks for in a woman, and whether or not sex on the first date is a good idea.
During the interview, Glamour magazine asked the stars, “So let me ask you the eternal ‘are you going to respect me if we have sex on the first date? Question.” The 27-year old, Jordan’s response was no. His opinion was different than his co-stars Efron and Teller. Jordan describes his self as “old school,” and said he’s attracted to women with a sense of humor and who are “comfortable in the kitchen.”
More of the interview will be available in the latest issue of Glamour magazine.
(Via Altanta Black Star, Naturally Moi)