How Laser Treatment Helps Hair Loss From Cancer Treatments


Losing hair is normal and people lose 100 hairs every day. Many people grow the lost hairs back while others don’t due to various reasons. It could be age, changes in hormones, poor diet, hereditary, medical conditions, stress or as a side effect of cancer treatments like chemotherapy. There are several hair loss treatments, but we are going to look at laser treatment as the main focus on our topic in this article.

A surgeon sitting in front of screens of a Focal Onedevice performs a robot-assisted prostate tumorectomy using ultrasound imaging on April 10, 2014 at the Edouard Herriot hospital in Lyon, center France. | Jeff Pachoud/AFP/Getty Images

Laser Therapy and How it Works

It is also referred to as cold laser therapy or red light therapy. Laser therapy irradiates photons into the tissues of the scalp which are absorbed by the weak cells that stimulate hair follicles to grow hair. 

Medical practitioners encourage laser therapy for cancer hair care. The procedure is safe, painless, has no side effects, increases hair strength, does not spread very quickly, and is generally accepted compared to other therapies. Red light therapy can also be safe to use at home via the red light therapy bed, whenever necessary. According to different medics, laser hair regrowth works for some people and not for all. Research has been done but more is needed. 

Some studies show that.

  • 41 males dealing with hair loss that was between the age of 18 and 48 found that cold laser therapy resulted in a 39% increase in hair regrowth in just 16 weeks. – 2013 study
  • Red light therapy is safe and stimulates hair growth to both men and women -2014 study 

Cancer hair loss can be scary to the people trying to live better with cancer but the fact that the hair loss is reversible is good news. The amount of lost hair depends on cancer care treatment, the dosage and how it is administered. If the cancer care you are given affects your hair, do not give up. You can recover this hair after chemotherapy is complete through laser hair regrowth procedure. 

How to Prevent Hair From Falling out Faster

  • Avoid shampoos made of a lot of chemicals that dry out your scalp. Use gentle shampoos such as ‘Watermans grow me shampoo’ or ‘Fast hair growth shampoo’ from Such shampoos lessen the pull on hair while combing.
  • Avoid sleeping with hair curlers
  • Avoid perming, bleaching or coloring hair as this weakens it making it fall out faster
  • Dry out your hair naturally by the sun or using a towel. Avoid hair straighteners, flat irons, curling irons, etc.
  • People dealing with cancer hair loss should consider keeping shorter hair which is easier to manage. You can purchase wigs from to wear during this time. 
  • Live better with cancer by sleeping with a soft cap, hair net or turban to help collect hairs falling out. 

Final Verdict

Are you dealing with hair loss as a result of cancer treatments like chemotherapy? Consider reversing the situation through laser treatment. Consult your doctor to help you choose the right hair regrowth therapy depending on the treatment offered to you. If you see any signs of rapid hair loss, visit a professional immediately. Hair loss could be a sign of a serious condition that needs to be addressed as soon as it is spotted.


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