Mum of four found the four foot reptile lying on her chest and when she tried to brush it away it sunked its teeth into her chest

A mum told how she woke up to find a snake sinking its fangs into her boob.
Caroline Griffin said the escaped reptile bit her as she tried to brush it off in bed.
She said: “I was scared it might be poisonous and I’d die.”
The mum of four found the 4ft brown-belly California kingsnake lying on her chest after she threw back her duvet.
“At first I thought my kids were playing a trick – but I got the fright of my life when I saw it move,” she said.
“I began to scream and it immediately bit me on the breast.”
Caroline, 49, said she leapt out of bed in terror – but the first thing her kids did was take photos on their mobiles to show pals.
She went on: “The snake left two painful punctures and you could see the outline from its jaws.”
The snake’s owner, neighbour Gareth Niven, arrived after hearing of the drama in Guardbridge, Fife, to assure her his pet, Hiss, was not venomous.
Gareth, 21, said: “I hadn’t seen him since he got out of his tank six months ago.
“He’d never bitten a person before and probably reacted to Caroline screaming.”