Keeping a teenager focused on God is important as they begin to experience proms, dating, college and a host of other changes that occur in their life. According to Gina McClain, children change as they become teenagers, and the beliefs they held onto as children begin to change. No longer will they depend on their parent’s ideals and beliefs – they begin to seek truth on their own terms. This is quite normal and part of the growing process, says Gina.
- However, parents have the tendency to impede this process by telling their teenager that their beliefs are wrong. They sometimes laugh at the solutions their child conjures up to solve a problem. None of this is helpful in the long run. This can cause the teenager to become indecisive – not trusting the choices they make. This can also lead them to lean on their parents for a solution to a problem in later adulthood.
- It should be the desire of each and every parent to want their kids to make decisions based on a clear thought process. Being able to hold firm in a debate is important. This will provide them the fortitude to defend their faith, says Gina. When parents spend quality time with their children to read and discuss the scriptures, a greater understanding by all family members in accomplished. Discussing what the Bible says about current issues is also an excellent tactic to use with teenagers. Having a weekly home Bible study, where parents show teens where to find scripture on unlimited subject matter is also key.
- Once parents engage in ‘active’ listening with their teenager, their confidence increases. No one wants to participate in a conversation where a ‘one way’ conversation is being held. When parents allow teenagers to provide insight on their Bible readings, they feel that their opinion matters.
- Spending quality time like driving your teenager to school – for just one day a week does wonders in establishing a bond that is not easily broken. Praying for your child is also important and
- Staying calm when teens confide in parents about issues
All of these strategies will help parents to allow their teenagers to grow in God, and be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise adults. After all, most parents only want the best for their children.