A septuagenarian woman had been brutally beaten with a hammer by her own son, daughter-in-law and grandson after the death of her husband.
They equally sent her packing from her matrimonial home which was bequeathed to her by her late husband because she declined to sign documents to transfer the property to them.

Grandma Kalavatidevi Amarnath Yadav, 70, said she had wandered the streets for three days before finally going to police in Goregaon area of Mumbai, India, to report the alleged assault, said a Mirror UK report.
Yadav expressed serious shock at the action of her relatives who she initially thought cared for her welfare.
She said, “I was just so shocked, I thought they were going to make sure I was okay but they just threw me out of my home.”
Medics found she had fractured her hand and suffered several other scratches and bruises after being given the beating, and officers are now investigating.
An inspector of the police, Gurinder Singh said, “She said she had been ordered to sign documents transferring the property after they hit her with a hammer, and when that didn’t work they had simply thrown her into the street and her clothes after her.”
The police are currently on the trail to get the attackers and bring them to book for such inhumane action against an elderly woman.
The suspects who are being hunted by the police include the victim’s 42-year-old son, Fulchand, grandson Sahuchand, 18, and daughter-in-law Pramiladevi, 38.