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EXPLOSIVE: State-Backed Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen And Shuwa Arabs Now Occupy 350 Igbo Communities, Villages (REPORT)

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There are not less than 350 Igbo communities, villages and other locations now invaded and permanently occupied by the Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen and ‘imported’ Shuwa Arabs, also called ‘Cowmen’ in Arabic. The number of Igbo communities forcibly occupied by the Jihadists has recorded exponential increase from about 139 in August 2019 to alarming 350 in May 2020. The jihadist occupation is vicariously, if not directly aided by the Government of Nigeria and its security agencies especially the Army and the Police. By the combined accounts of the Association of the Eastern Town Unions, the Alaigbo Dev Foundation and the Eastern Outlook Newspaper, “as at August 2019, 139 Igbo communities, villages and locations have been occupied by Fulani Herdsmen, out of which Enugu State has the highest number with 56, followed by Anambra with 24, Imo 17, Ebonyi 12 and Abia seven. In Igbo areas of Delta and Rivers, there are 15 in Delta and nine in Rivers”.

But in our recent detailed review and update, the number has exponentially increased from 139 in August 2019 to not less than 350 in May 2020, out of which 312 were factually located and presented below while 38 others were added as ‘dark figures’ or “factually existing but not captured figures”. The ’38 added dark figures’ are likely to be found in Imo and Ebonyi States, with a fraction in Enugu State. The breakdown of the current figure of 350 invaded and occupied Igbo Communities show that Anambra State has the largest number with 70 communities, followed by Enugu with 66, Imo 61,  Abia 43, Ebonyi 36, Igbo Delta 21 and Igbo Rivers 15; totaling 312 and 350 when added with a ‘dark figure’ of 38.

The geographical and geopolitical implication of this is that the Jihadist Herdsmen have roughly invaded and violently occupied two States in Igbo Land. This is on account of the fact that Enugu and Anambra State have total of 368 autonomous communities; with 187 in Enugu and 181 in Anambra, as against 350 of them already occupied by the Jihadist Herdsmen. In grand summary, while most of these 350 Igbo communities, villages and other locations have been invaded and violently occupied, some are already under attacks or on a verge of invasion and violent occupation.

The Research Did Not Include Northern “Economic Refugees” In Igbo Land

Granted that there presently are hundreds of thousands of “economic refugees” of Northern extraction now flooding the cities and towns in Igbo Land; some of them surviving victims of Boko Haram/ISWAP, Ansaru, ‘Zamfara/Birnin Gwari’ Bandits and Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen anti Christian butcheries in the north; but they are strictly not included in our research categorization of invading “Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen and Shuwa Arabs”. In other words, those engaged in meaningful means of livelihood in Igbo cities and towns are not included; even though some, if not many of them are potential security threats to Igbo Land and her indigenous natives and their properties.


We must thank in special way Odogwu Emeka Odogwu, PhD (Awka North & South), Odikpo Mmadubueze (Anambra East & West and Ayamelum), Mr. Oselloka Obaze (Ogbaru), Eric Eyituche (ADF, Enugu), Emeka Obi, PhD (Chukwuemeka-Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam),Comrade Paschal Oziri (Imo), Comrade Samuel Kamanyaoku (Abia & Ebonyi), Hon Abia Onyike (former Commissioner for Information in Ebonyi), Ndidi Ndudi (Asaba), Kenneth Odenigbo (Ezeagu, Enugu), Ifeanyi Uzoma (Orlu, Imo) and Samuel Okoro (Uzo Uwani, Enugu). Their contributions and assistance in the course of our field data collection and authentication are remarkable and commendable.

Purposes Of This Research Report

Following serious concerns especially the fear of imminent jihad recently expressed by the general Igbo population of ‘home and abroad’; on account of organized movement or flooding of mostly uneducated and radicalized young Islamists (dubbed Alamajirai) to different parts of old Eastern Nigeria mainly Igbo Land using the cover of ‘COVID-19’; we have deemed it necessary to set the record straight to the effect that: though the general fears and their ascribed intents are well understood, but the current worrying situation did not start with the said ‘COVID-19’ movement of Alamajirai. It started way back in 2016 with the full knowledge and conspiracy of the Igbo Govs and community (traditional rulers and town unions’ presidents) and church leaders.

Not setting the record straight at this point in time would expressly mean creating escape routes for the Govs and community leaders. Another purpose of this research work is to intellectualize the consciousness of the general Igbo population to the effect that such violent invasion and occupation are not ordinary. They are done with clear jihadist intents and defy all geographical and geopolitical excuses. It is also one of the purposes of this research work to expose the conspiracy of the Igbo Govs and community leaders and the hypocrisy of the today’s church leaders (today’s ‘faith profiteers’) in Igbo Land. This work is further intended to alert the ‘attentive’ Igbo public (policy makers, political actors and the educated class) and the ‘un-attentive’ Igbo public or larger population to be on extreme alert, as the old saying goes “Hausa abatago Awka”. Setting the record straight in this respect will further make the general Igbo population to be in the know of those who have abominably compromised to sell the Igbo Nation out to jihadist enemies.

Finally, the research work is a clarion call on those in charge of Nigeria’s Presidency and security establishments to immediately retrace their steps from their steady match toward breeding of ‘war of anybody against anybody’ or religious war and throw in towel if they are tired of piloting the affairs of the country. From the way things are speedily unfolding, the country is likely to be thrown into the Rwandan style genocide and other forms of mass bloodletting. We demand and insist that the country be strictly governed with full forms and characteristics of modern limited government where citizens must enjoy their inalienable liberties and be allowed and protected by the State to freely and constitutionally practice religion of their choice outside the confines of state aided jihadism.

Renewed Jihadism Is Sweeping Across Christian West, East, Central & Southern Africa

As never recorded in recent times, Islamic Jihadism is now ravaging the Christian West, East, Central and Southern Africa. It looks like a regional project with powerful sponsorship and state protection where jihadist elements are in charge of political and military powers. Today in Congo DRC, a country with largest Catholics in Africa, there is ongoing jihad. In Central African Republic, a country with dominant Christian population, jihadists are substantially in charge. Similar situations are found in Burkina Faso, Angola, Mozambique, Congo Republic and Togo; to mention but a few. Like in Libya in 1969 and Sudan in 1989, the jihadists are penetrating and gaining grounds, aiming at capturing state power and changing the socio-legal secular status quo to brutal Sultanate and Shariah regimes.

Unmasking The Fulani Herdsmen

The militant Fulani Herdsmen are the armed terrorist and Islamic jihadist department of Fulani Herdsmen in Nigeria, the country’s primitive cattle herders. They were created and funded and are still funded by some extremist Northern politicians and security chiefs and made more devastating and jihadist in 2010. The formation and funding of the now world’s fourth deadliest terrorist group were achieved using the draconian and age-long Fulani rural cattle grazing networks in Nigeria. The jihadist branch of the Fulani Herdsmen in Nigeria is also strongly believed to have been joined by ‘imported’ jihadists made up of ‘Shuwa Arabs’ or ‘Cowmen’ from Chad and Sudan, etc.

The Fulani jihadist group is likened to ‘Sudanese Janjaweed’ and different from ‘machete and dagger-armed’ wandering cattle herders or the ‘Fulani Herdsmen’. The age-long grazing networks of the Herdsmen, spanning the country’s rainforest regions of Southeast, South-south, Southwest and North-central including Christian parts of Northwest and Northeast, will in the nearest future, if not months away, serve as area intelligence and grounds for full scale jihadist attacks or violence in old Eastern Nigeria and other Christian settlements in the Southwest, FCT, etc.

Under these, too, the country’s four main Jihadist groups: militant Herdsmen, Boko Haram, ISWAP and Ansaru; and even embryonic “Zamfara/Birnin Gwari” Terror Bandits with state cover and protection can successfully launch jihadist attacks anywhere in Nigeria. As a matter of fact, the Fulani Herdsmen in the country are today serving as ‘rain forest intelligence suppliers’ to the four main jihadist groups. It must also be remembered that the movement for formation of jihadist department within the ranks of the country’s primitive cattle herders or ‘Fulani Herdsmen’ was dated back to 2001, two years after Nigeria returned to civil rule in 1999.

Difference Between Fulani Jihadists & Herdsmen

The major difference between the Fulani Herdsmen and their jihadist component strictly lies on their modus operandi and the role of the state actors. The original Fulani Herdsmen operated and still majorly operate with machetes and daggers used in cutting foliages and clearing bush paths for their cattle and guarding their cattle against malicious attacks especially from their rival farmers and cattle rustlers. They also engaged in seasonal grazing usually during dry seasons and hardly settle or live in their host communities. The Fulani Herdsmen are well known serial wanderers (Fulani Daji) and different from sedentary Fulanis or ‘Fulani Ngida’. The clashes between Fulani Herdsmen and farmers before now were usually rag tag and seasonal; with zero state actor involvement except in settling disputes between them and their host farmers or other rivals.

However, the malicious state actor regimentation, militarization and radicalization of militant segment of the Fulani Herdsmen or formation of their jihadist department in Nigeria started rearing their ugly heads from the year 2001, with Jos area of Plateau State as one of their earliest crime scenes. They were among those fingered as malicious actors in the orgy of sectarian violence that ravaged Plateau State in 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007 and 2008. They moved closer to full jihadism in 2010 and got fully transformed with state backing, cover and protection in mid 2015, following the emergence of Mr. Muhammadu Buhari as Nigeria’s sixth President. It was also from that period that southward movement of Fulani Herdsmen increased with rapid speed to the extent of the Herders becoming ‘sedentary in foreign land’, strictly for purpose of supplying area intelligence and grounds for their jihadist brothers.

Aided by forests’ mapping exercise reportedly carried out by the Nigerian Army in 2015, it has become much easier for the jihadist Herdsmen to infiltrate and occupy (using night movements) the marked Southern bushes and forests including those located in Southeast and South-south. These they now do with alarming speed with backing from malicious members of the country’s security forces. Since then, they have become ‘untouchable’ and vicariously, if not directly aided by the state to invade, confiscate, loot, plunder and takeover any land(s) or property(ies); and abduct, torture and kill any person or group of persons or rape and sexually abused (including forced pregnancies for jihadist intents) any woman or group of women of sexually active age bracket. It must be recalled that the Nigerian Army had reportedly carried out forests’ mapping throughout Nigeria in 2015, originally for purpose of ‘effective counterinsurgency operations’. Critics say the exercise was later found to be reportedly done for religiously malicious motives.

Nigeria’s Fulani Herdsmen presently operate under the three major umbrellas of ‘the Miyatti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria-MACBAN’, ‘the Miyatti Allah Koutal Hore Association of Nigeria’ and ‘the Fulani Nationality Movement-FUNAM’; all federally registered organizations in Nigeria. ‘MACBAN’, for instance, was registered on 12th Feb 1986, while ‘Fulani Koutal Hore’ got registered around 2010. The jihadist intents of the Fulani Herdsmen took another dimension in 2018 when they announced the renaming in Fulfulde and Arabic and formal occupation of indigenous communities and villages violently attacked and seized from Christian dominated populations in Plateau State mostly between 2010 and 2015; with eight others earlier seized in 2001. In the Vanguard Newspaper report of 30th June 2018, no fewer than 54 communities mostly belonging to Berom Tribe were renamed. Also renamed were eight communities in the State attacked and seized between September 7 and 10, 2001. In Southern Kaduna (32 villages lost between 2016 and May 2020), Plateau and Benue States, no fewer than 300 Christian communities and villages have been devastatingly attacked and razed by the Fulani Jihadists.

State Aided Movement Of Fulani Jihadists To Old Eastern Nigeria

The movement of Fulani Jihadists commenced in 2016, but reached its peak between 2017 and 2019. The movement had involved: non state actor ‘move in and settle or occupy’ and state actor ‘security forces aided yearly movement’, facilitated through the Nigerian military’s annual regional exercises, usually held between Sept and Oct-Dec. The exercises, which first commenced in 2016, were initially code named: ‘Python Dance’ for Southeast and ‘Crocodile Smile’ for South-south; and later renamed in 2019 as ‘Atiliogwu Udo’ for Southeast. Through the combination of the reported Nigerian Army forests’ mapping of 2015, state security forces aided movement of the jihadists and the existing Fulani grazing routes and networks throughout the country’s rainforest regions, not less than 350 communities, villages and other locations in Igbo Land have been invaded and violently occupied by the Fulani jihadists as at May 2020.

Vicarious Involvement Of The Nigerian Government & Its Security Agencies

First is the fact that Igbo Land has the least land allocation in Nigeria with 29,525km2 and estimated 20,000 others for her outpost population; as against a Northern State of Niger that has 76,363km2; roughly three times more than that of the entire five States of the Southeast. So land issue is out of it. Second is the fact that the Buhari Presidency had in the same 2016 when the movement for jihad in old Eastern Nigeria started, requested to govern Nigeria with ‘emergency powers’; thereby tending to castrate the Constitution including its Human Rights Chapter. Since then, the 1999 Constitution has been applied in such mode alongside the country’s various treaty laws. Third is that the Nigerian Army had in same 2016 announced the introduction of ‘Army Ranching’ throughout the country’s military formations. This was how Fulani Herdsmen seemingly became a branch of the Nigerian Army and other security agencies.

Fourth was the establishment by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2017, 2018 and 2019 of ‘RUGA’ or ‘Rural Fulani Settlement’ and the ‘National Livestock Transformation Plan’; a grand disguise to forcibly facilitate the movement of the Jihadists who hide under ‘cattle herders’ to force themselves into indigenous populations and violent takeover of their farmlands and forests throughout Nigeria. Sixth is the grossly lopsided composition of the country’s top security positions at Federal, regional and state levels. These are to the extent that as at Sept 2019, 18 of the country’s 22 security, policing & justice positions were occupied by Muslims; out of 26 top military commanders manning strategic formations in the Southeast, 18 were Muslims; out of six senior police commanders in the Southeast, four were Muslims and out of five State directors of SSS in the Southeast four were Muslims.

In the South-south, out of 22 senior military commanders manning key military formations in the region, 14 were Muslims; out of its eight senior police commanders, five were Muslims; and out of its six State directors of SSS, four were Muslims. It was so bad that wherever there was new Fulani Herdsmen settlement in any part of Igbo Land during the Military Python Dance/Atiliogwu Udo, there must be established a new military or MOPOL roadblock near such settlement. A typical example took place in 2017 in Umu-Ura Forest (in Ogwe Community) Ukwa West LGA of Abia State where an Army roadblock was created by the corner of the thick forest hosting a new Fulani settlement.

Conspiracy Of The Igbo Govs & Community Leaders

It must be clearly understood that violent invasion and occupation of not less than 350 Igbo communities, villages and other locations by Jihadist Herdsmen has the trio of state and security backing and conspiracy of Igbo Govs and most of the community leaders. Community leaders include traditional rulers and presidents general of the town unions and the Government appointed or selected chairmen of various local government areas. The Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen movement Southward is also heavily funded clandestinely. Such conspiratorial involvements of the Govs, community leaders and council chairmen include ‘conspiracy of silence’,  inaction, cover-up, ‘donation’ of lands or procurement of same through moles or compromised third parties, receiving criminal cash sums from leaders of the Jihadists or collection of monthly royalties, and exhibition of fears and cowardice, among others.  As a matter of fact, the Igbo Govs saw all these coming but covered same up so as to ‘retain’ and ‘finish their office tenures’.

There are only few instances in Igbo Land where community leaders including traditional rulers and presidents general resisted and still resist them. These few communities include Arondizogu in Ideato South LGA (ikpa-ocha debacle), Issele-Ukwu in Aniocha North LGA (Delta) and Umuchu in Aguata LGA. In Issele-Ukwu, a mole was hired to procure and ‘donate’ a parcel of land for “private Hausa Market” but the Community stood its ground in the contrary.  In Umuchu, a group of violent Fulani Herdsmen, accompanied by an Army officer, were caught recently negotiating a forest path in the Community in a bid to settle in same. The police authorities in the areas were alerted and on interrogation, they claimed to have come from ‘Abia’ and after a phone call with the Abia State Police Command, they were ordered to be returned to Abia State while the Army officer was picked and taken to Anambra State Police Command headquarters, Awka for further investigation.

In Umuzu, Ogbaru LGA of Anambra State, a sum of N200, 000 was recently paid to Fulani Herdsmen for ‘their two missing cows’. In Umunnachi, Dunukofia LGA of Anambra State, a highly placed citizen and personality of international repute recently told Intersociety that the Fulani Herdsmen have just invaded and settled at the top of a hill from where they monitor local maidens and young married women farming in the farms for possible abduction and sexual violence including rape and forced pregnancies. It was also found that some times, the natives and leaders of concerned Igbo communities are taken unawares by the Jihadists, only to wake up one morning to discover that their distant farmlands and forests have been taken over by the Jihadist Herdsmen. News of their occupation only breaks out when some of their natives are reported missing, or abducted, or raped, or killed.

In furtherance of their sexual violence, the Jihadist Herdsmen use three malicious methods: enticement with cash sums where necessary and false promises where necessary; use of charms where necessary and use of violence where necessary. Once succeeded in forcing their victims to be pregnant, they will insist on ‘inheriting both the forcibly impregnated local maidens or young married women and their pregnancies or children. A number of these young girls and married women are strongly believed to have fallen victim to them in Awka (Agu Awka), Ayamelum, Uzo Uwani, Ezeagu and some parts of Ebonyi State; and when rarely complained to Christian or community leaders or Government actors, they would be told to retire to their fate so as to ‘to avoid being hacked to death or have their families or villages wiped out’.  Many, if not most of the church leaders in Igbo Land, on their part, have also become more of ‘faith profiteers’ than ‘defenders of faith’. They are busy chasing after money while the House of Jesus crumbles under their watch.

Names Of Occupied 350 Igbo Communities And Villages

Anambra: 70 Locations: Nteje, Ogbunka, Ndiukwuenu-Obaeze (location of Mamu River Forest), Amaetiti, Ufuma, Ezira, Umunze, Ozubulu, Oba, Umuchukwu, Akpu, Ndikeilionwu, Ogboji, Ndiowu, Mmiata-Anam, Achala, Ebenebe, Ogbunike, Ihitte (Orumba South), Umunnachi (hilltop), Okija, Ihiala, Dunukofia, Agulu, Neni, Ogbu, Awkuzu and 3-3 Area of Nsugbe. They have also violently settled in Atani, Akiri-Ogidi, Akiri-Ozizor, Aminyi, Mputu, Obeagwe, Ohita, Ogbakuba, Umuodu, Ossamala, Ogwu-Aniocha, Umunankwo, Umuzu and Ogwuikpere; all in Ogbaru LGA (using Odekpe/Atani/Oba/Ozubulu Forest Swamp as their main base). It is strongly suspected too that the Herdsmen have infiltrated and settled in Ukpo, Lilu, Akwa Ihedi and Unubi (in Nnewi South LGA); all owing to their difficult terrains or topographies. Other Anambra Communities involved are Amanuke, Ugbene, Ugbenu, Amansii, Urum, Ukwuru, Isu Aniocha and Mgbakwu, all in Awka North LGA; and Umuawuru, Awka, Isiagu, Ntoko, Ndikpa and Nibo in Awka South LGA. In Anambra East LGA, they have infiltrated and settled in Aguleri, Nando, Nsugbe and Igbariam and in Aghamelum (Ayamelum) LGA, they forcibly settle in the whole eight communities of Anaku, Omor, Umueje, Omasi, Igbakwu, Umumbo, Umuerum and Ifite-Ogwari.

Enugu: 66 Locations: Ibite Ogbaku, Akpugo, Achi, Inyi, Nachi, Ukpabi-Nimbo, Ukpata, Akegbe-Ugwu, Ugwuoba, Eka Aku, Igbo-Etiti, Amagunze, Amaechi Idodo, Ugwu-Onyeama, Egede, Adada, Nkpologwu, Afa, Uvuru, Ugwu Aboh, Waziri Estate-Nsukka, Enugu-Ezike, Neke-Uno, Akpogasi, Ugwuogo, Ekpebe, Madonna University Layout, Ihuokpa-3-Corner, Akwuke, Industrial Layout-Emene, Unity Layout, Ibagwa-Nike City Layout-Amokwe, Heritage Layout-Oyoho-Nike, Odo Rice-Emene, New Zion State Layout-Ugwu Onyeama, Phase 11, Independence Layout, 4-Corner (Enugu), Redemption Layout (Enugu), Amokpo, Ugbaka-Nkanu, Aninri, Umuabi (near FRSC Regional Training Headquarters in Udi), Awgu, Nenwe (in Aninri LGA) and Amiri Village in Nkanu West LGA.

Others are: Eziani (Nsukka LGA), Ugwuogo-Nike, Oyoho Village (Nike), Ngwo, Ibeagwa Community (Enugu East LGA), Amaoji (Enugu East LGA), Okutu (Enugu North) and Akwegbe-Agu (in Igbo-Etiti LGA); Imezi-Owa, Umuna-Ndiagu, Umuna-Ndiuno, Oha-Ndiagu, Okpogho-Mgbata, Amankwo-Ndiagu, Amansiodo-Ihuonyia and Owa Communities; all in Ezeagu Local Government Areas; and Adani, Opanda, Ojor and Asaba in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Areas.

Imo: 61 Locations: Onuimo, Ehime and Isiala Mbano, Ndegwu and Orogwe in Owerri West, Ogbaku in Mbaitoli LGA, Amakaohia-Ubi and Obokofia (Owerri West LGA), Obudi-Agwa Community (Ohaji/Egbema LGA), Okohia Village of Umuduruodu-Okwelle (Onuimo LGA), Ejemekwuru, Eziorsu, Izombe and Agwa Communities (Oguta LGA), Nkwerre, Eziama, Obaire, Amaigbo and Umozu in Nkwerre and Nwangele Local Government Areas, Oru (Ahiazu Mbaise), Ikpa-Ocha (Arondizogu-Ideato South LGA) and Agbala Community (Owerri North LGA), Umuekune-Irete Community (Owerri West LGA), Umuchima, Ugwuaku-Ezinnachi and Umuowa-Ibu (Okigwe LGA), Umuoma (Ihitte Uboma LGA), Naze Cluster (Nekede), Nekede Old Road Forest, Osina, Obinze (near Military Barracks); Umundugba, Nkume and Abba Communities in Orlu Local Government Areas; Mbieri and Ubomiri in Mbaitolu LGA; and Agbabo Village in Umulolo and Mechanic Village; all in Okigwe Local Government Area; Uratta (Owerri North), Emeabiam and Amakohia-Ubi in Owerri West,  Umuanyim Village (Onumiri) in Ngor-Okpala LGA, Achicha Community in Ngor-Okpala LGA, Olokwu na Umusu Village in Owerri West, Umunakara Village in Ngor-Okpala LGA and Ngwuru Village in Ngor-Okpala LGA.

Also out of the 24 Communities in Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area, over half of them or at least fifteen are now occupied by Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen. They are Umuagwo, Oloshi, Umunkwaku, Umapu, Obile, Obitti, Opuoma, Mgbirichi/Abakuru, Assa, Awara, Ikwerede, Umuokanne, Obiakpu, Oroba, Obosima, Abackeke, Abaezi, Ekugba, Obeakpu, Obiakpu, Mgbara, Umuoji and Mmahu-Opuoma. The Jihadist Fulani Herdsmen violent settlement in the area follows high presence of military and police roadblocks mounted because of crude oil exploration; to the extent that from Obinze/Umuagwo to Elele in Rivers State, there are no fewer than 44 roadblocks including at least ten military (Army and Navy) roadblocks. The route to Port Harcourt is a journey of not more than one hour under normal circumstances.

Abia: 43 Locations: Leeru, Ohambele-Ndoki (Ukwa East), Nkpa, Ohafia, Bende, Ubakala and Owerre-Nta, Obohia-Ndoki (Ukwa East LGA), Aru Umuonyeukwu in Aru-Ngwa (Osisoma LGA), Umuora/Umuchichi (Osisioma LGA), Owaza Village (Ukwa West LGA), Ebem/Okagwa Ohafia (Ohafia LGA), Ihechiowa (Arochukwu LGA), Ututu Village-Arochukwu (Arochukwu LGA), Lokpanta (Isuochi LGA), Eberi Omuma (Abia State), Umuenye Village (Isiala Ngwa LGA),  Ama Oji, Isiokporo (Isiala Ngwa LGA), Abiriba-Uzo (Ohafia LGA), Igbere (Bende LGA), Ugwueke (Bende LGA), Abam (Bende LGA), Alayi (Bende LGA), Item Village (Bende LGA), Omuma-Uzo (Ukwa West LGA), Umuorie (former site of old Imo Airport) Isiala Ngwa South LGA), Ozu Item and Ozu Abam (Bende LGA), Obeaku City (Ukwa West LGA), Amaeke-Abiriba (Ohafia LGA), Ndiebe Abam (Bende LGA), Mkpa Community (Bende LGA), Uzuakoli (leprosy center) Bende LGA, Alaojii Village (Obingwa LGA), Assenentu Village (Ugwunagbo LGA), Umuakpiti-Nkara (Isiala Ngwa LGA), Umuokpo Village (Obingwa LGA), Mkpuko Ohuhu-Ala (Isiala Ngwa LGA),  Umuako Nsirimo (Umuahia South LGA),  Umuakuma Umueze (Isiala Ngwa South LGA),  Umumba Nsirimo (Umuahia South LGA) and Umuerim Nsirimo (Umuahia South LGA).

Ebonyi: 36 Locations: Emoha, Nkalagu, Afikpo, Izzi, Ezza, Ezzaegu, Ezamgbo, Ukpo, Ekeimoha, Akpoha, Abomege, Onicha, Ohaukwu, Umuogudu-Akpu, Ukwagba-Mgbo Community (Ohaukwu LGA), Uburu (Ohaozara LGA), Okposi (Ohaozara LGA), Aga Village (Ohaukwu LGA), Ama Nguzu in Nguzu Edda (Afikpo South LGA), Ama Oso Edda (Afikpo South LGA), Eziedda (Afikpo South LGA), Amangwu Edda (Afikpo South), Oso Edda (Afikpo South LGA), Owutu Edda (Afikpo South LGA), Agharosa Village (Izzi LGA), Ndiohia Iboko (Izzi LGA), Ezza Egu Ndebo (Izzi LGA), Ishiagu (Izzi LGA), Amuzu Igeagu (Izzi LGA), Nkaleke Igbeagu (Izzi LGA), Ndu Nwanphu Igbeagu (Izzi LGA) and Uzashi Igbeagu (Izzi LGA), Ndiakpurata Oguzereonwiya (Igbeagu) in Izzi LGA, Ndiegbe-Onuebonyi, Igbeagu (Izzi LGA) and Nwanwu-Igbeagu (Izzi LGA).

Delta (Anioma Land)21 Locations: Agbor, Olor, Ewulu, Okpanam, Iselleukwu, Oshimmili, Onicha-Ugbo, Ndokwa, Umunede, Ogwasiukwu, Ibusa (forest), Kwale, Obiaruku and Igbo-Akiri (boundary Igbo towns with Edo), Asaba (rural), Ella, Ubulu-Ukwu, Ubulu-Unor, Abor, Akwkwu-Igbo and Issele-Azagba. While they have infiltrated and lived in the named 21 communities, they violently operate in 20 Delta Igbo communities spread across Aniocha North, Aniocha South, Oshimiri North and Oshimiri South LGAs of the State.

Rivers: 15 Locations: Onuimo, Ugurunta, Omoku, Ahuada, Omuha (Umoha), Emeoha, Okehi, Isiokpo, Oleh, Umuechem, Agbomchia Farm Road/Pipeline, Eleme, Emeagwa Int’l Airport area, Ubima/Nval War College (Isiokpo LGA) and Elele.


For: Int’l Society for Civil Liberties & Rule of Law


Emeka Umeagbalasi
Criminologist & Graduate of Security Studies
Master of Science, Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution
Board Chair

Amaka Damaris Onuoha, Esq., LLB, BL
Head of Campaign & Publicity

Chinwe Umeche, Esq., LLB, BL
Head, Democracy & Good Governance

Ndidiamaka Bernard, Esq., LLB, BL, LLM (Cyber Law)
Head, Int’l Justice & Human Rights

Obianuju Joy Igboeli, Esq., LLB, BL
Head, Civil Liberties & Rule of Law

Comrade Samuel Kamanyaoku (HND)
Head, Field Data Collection & Documentation


WhatsApp/Mobile: +2348174090052

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.intersociety-ng.org

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