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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he red rash on your skin that causes itching is a typical sign of eczema that comes in many forms. The treatment of eczema by using conventional medicines is limited to the treatment of symptoms because the cause of the disease is unknown. On the contrary, the perspective of treatment significantly changes when you treat eczema with functional medicines that do not consider eczema as a disease but only a symptom of some other internal problem. Functional medicine practioners address the underlying cause of eczema and undertake treatment of the immune system which when set right would cure the disease.

When the immune system of the body faces significant stress and encounter a severe threat, it manifests in the form of skin eruptions that show up as eczema. The inflammation that accompanies eczema is the body’s natural response to the threat on the immune system. You would see that people suffering from eczema also suffer from seasonal allergies and asthma arising from inflammation and a hyperactive immune system. Treating the inflammation with proper eczema diet is the way to reverse the symptoms of eczema that you will come to know from this article.

Anti inflammatory diet

Whole foods based diet comprising of vegetables and organic fruits and pasture raised meats is often suggested for the treatment of eczema. However, if you do not find relief by following this diet, then you have to blame your food sensitivities. You can identify the culprit after going through the process of trial and error. Begin by eliminating gluten, soy, corn, and dairy. Take plenty of vegetables that are rich sources of antioxidants and include fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and turmeric, just to name a few foods rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. Choose grass fed and pasture raised meat because meat from corn fed cattle can aggravate the problem.

Low histamine diet

Despite following the above diet plan, if you still struggle with eczema then turn to foods that have high histamine and eliminate it from the food list. Histamine is responsible for allergies, and low histamine level is what you must achieve through the foods to get rid of eczema. Histamine actually responds to inflammatory conditions, and it warns the immune system of the possible attacks. Since histamine travels through the blood, it affects the cardio vascular system as well as lungs, gut, brain, and skin and contributes to the development of many symptoms including eczema. Citrus fruits as well as dry fruits, bacon, tomatoes, spinach, avocados and eggplant have high histamine content that you must avoid.

Keep the gut healthy

Healthier gut contributes to an efficient immune system. An autoimmune disease like eczema indicates that the intestinal tract is not functioning well. A healthy gut prevents undesirable elements like toxins, microbes, undigested food particles and other health harming items from entering the blood stream. If the cells of the intestinal walls get damaged, unwanted elements sneak into the body, and the immune system confronts it thereby resulting in inflammation.

With proper diet, managing eczema should never be much of a problem.

Susan Hope is a doctor who has been practicing dermatology for more than a decade. She loves to explore out of the box methods in the treatment of eczema and takes a lot of interest in eczema diet that can work wonders. She likes to keep in touch with people through her social media pages.


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