Ex-Soldier Went To Hospital For A Kidney Operation And Had His Penis Cut Off Instead (PHOTOS)


A “devastated” ex-soldier from Romania is suing a hospital after he went in for a kidney operation and had his penis cut off instead.

Costica Maroleanu, 55, said County Hospital in eastern Romania removed his manhood after a nurse improperly inserted a catheter, causing a severe infection.

“It was totally cut off,” Maroleanu told reporters, according to the Inquisitr. “Now I urinate through an orifice that doctors made between my anus and my testicles. I urinate just like a woman. I’m devastated.”

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The patient, who had kidney failure, said his penis became “red and infected” after the successful kidney surgery — performed by Dr. Lurie Ciochina — because of the incorrect catheter fitting.

He was moved to intensive care and then to the hospital’s nephrology department, where he stayed for 10 days, according to Central European News. He was later transferred to Bucharest Military Hospital.

By then, his penis had turned black and became highly infectious, a hospital spokesperson told the Inquisitr.

“The foreskin was stripped away completely, and most of the cells in the organ were dead,” the hospital said. “It was recommended to remove the necrotic elements, meaning amputation.”

Maroleanu is now seeking $600,000 from the hospital in a malpractice suit.

“If they hadn’t botched things up at the beginning this wouldn’t have happened,” he told CEN.

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