A cop who was fired from two Florida police departments has now been arrested for knowingly infecting his girlfriend with HIV.
The longtime girlfriend of officer Dexter Richardson, 47, says he was aware of his status but never told her.
On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 Richardson was charged with having uninformed HIV intercοurse.
Investigators confirm that Richardson was aware that he’d been infected but never told his girlfriend.
Richardson has a history in Florida law enforcement, having been fired from two departments in his career. Richardson was let go from Pompano Beach for being involved in at least eight unjustified accidents, and while working for the Riviera Beach Police Department, he was let go for giving information to an officer who was under investigation.
Richardson was also arrested for getting into a fight at a gas station when a clerk refused to allow him to use the bathroom.
Police suspect that Richardson’s girlfriend may not be the only woman who the former cop had sεx with while infected with HIV.
Richardson was arrested by police on Sunday, August 3, 2014 and later released on bond.
Sadly, Richardson is the second officer from Palm Beach County to be accused of knowingly spreading HIV.
A reporter from the Palm Beach Post was unsuccessful in reaching Richardson and his attorney.
Anyone else who has had sεx with Richardson is advised to contact Riviera Beach police at (561) 845-4123 and request to speak to the detective assigned to the Dexter Richardson case.