Dudes’ X-rated online habits could be keeping them from becoming husbands, according to a new study published in Germany’s The Institute for the Study of Labor.
For the study, researchers analyzed survey data collected between 2000 and 2004 from 1,512 American men, ages 18 to 35, about their Internet usage. The researchers looked into how many hours the guys spent online and whether they had gone online to watch porn in the last 30 days. Then, the researchers measured the correlation between those two factors and the marriage rates of the participants.
After controlling for the men’s age, religion, income, and other variables, the researchers discovered a negative relationship between time spent online and marriage rates and an even stronger negative relationship between online porn usage and marriage rates.
Though the researchers don’t say that porn is causing marriage rates to take a dive, they do write that this study is evidence that there is a strong association between X-rated viewing and not tying the knot.
So what could be so awesome about porn that it makes men postpone or rethink getting serious with a human instead of a computer? In their study, the authors suggest that porn might fulfill a dude’s sexual desires whenever he wants so he doesn’t feel like he has to get married to satisfy that need.
Interesting argument, huh? Then again, there’s also a good possibility that the survey results turned out the way they did because married men just watch less Internet porn than single guys. This study doesn’t rule that out. Plus, anytime scientists use self-reported data, there’s always a chance that many of the participants could be underestimating or overestimating their answers.
Not to mention, while this study seems to imply that porn can be a detriment to IRL relationships, sexy flicks can also spice up a relationship. In fact, a survey released this year found that 59 percent of women have watched porn during sex—here are three reasons to watch porn with your partner.