I was at a luxury retail outlet and their clothes and accessories were generally nice, but one of them was mega expensive and I asked why and was told it was costly because it was hand-made.
It got me thinking about the creation process in Genesis Chapter 1.
Do you know that God spoke everything that was created on earth into existence, but only of man was it said “God formed a man” – Genesis 2:7.
You and I are hand made by God and that is the reason we have the highest value to Him of all created things. So be careful that you don’t waste your hand made body, soul and spirit in pursuit of material things that were spoken into existence.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”-Mark 8:36.
Reno Omokri is the pastor of the Mind of Christ Christian Center and author of Shunpiking No Shortcuts To God. He can be reached on Twitter @renoomokri..