A couple were shocked to the marrows when they woke up to discover a naked stranger dozing off right beside them in the dead of the night.
According to The Daily Telegraph, the couple identified only as Chris and Katie respectively, couldn’t explain the incident which unfolded around 2am on Moday, August 17, 2015 in Sydney.
The 25-year-old intruder was kept at the couple’s backyard until some police officials arrived later and arrested him.

But the drama wasn’t over yet as the man began to convulse and was rushed to a hospital in an ambulance and is currently receiving medical attention.
Kate said, “It was terrifying. Chris [her partner] is on one side, I’m in the middle and then our stranger on the end right in with us.
“So just the sense of someone next to me who shouldn’t be there … It was terrifying.”
According to her, they didn’t even know how long the man was in their bed.
“That’s kind of the scary part, how long he might have looking at us thinking it’s a good idea to get into bed with these guys,” the woman added.
Neighbours who saw the ambulance arrive said the intruder was still naked at that point and was moved from a paddy wagon into the ambulance.
One of the neighbours, Sally Ferguson said, “When the ambulance stretcher came down they then got him out of the van starkers as, charming, and that was it… we just saw him get taken away.”
The intruder, who got in through an open window, faces a charge of aggravated break and enter.