Sex before marriage is highly discouraged in some parts of the world and the thought of a teenage girl spending the night with her boyfriend is likely impossible.
It’s a different case in one village in Cambodia, fathers happily encourage their daughters to have sex with any man of their choice by building them love huts.

When a girl reaches her early teenage years, or possibly even before, the love hut becomes the place for her to meet and have sex with boys before deciding who she loves.

A 17-year-old girl, Nang Chan who now lives full time in the love hut in the back garden of her parent’s house, believes they offer her, and other girls like her, a sense of empowerment.
‘The huts provide us independence and are the best way through which we can explore our true lover,’ she told reporters.
‘If I find some special boyfriend and we both love each other, then I’ll get intimate with him and have sex in my hut.
‘But if I stop loving him and find another boy that I see more attractive, then I’ll stop having sex with my previous boyfriend.’
As absurd as it may sound, villagers revealed that there’s no divorce or sexual violence in the community, as the girls only sleep with those they feel comfortable with.