[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents face a variety of challenges when they enter higher educational institutions. One of them is dealing with academic papers that differ greatly from those ones written at school. Most of the universities and colleges expect a very high standard of the delivered by students papers but unfortunately, that is mainly a rare fact rather than rule. The main problems faced by students lie in their lack of intelligence and knowledge of the academic writing rules. Moreover, they come across different challenges of writing paper including:
Lack of scientific formal language and coherency
Unfortunately, little attention is paid to scientific terminology at high schools so freshmen always suffer from lexical difficulties. Texts of the academic papers appear to be plain and not informative. In addition, there are not enough linking words and phrases in them, so sentences are not connected between each other and the text is not coherent and readable.
The most common challenges faced by students in academic writing and ways to avoid or overcome them
Grammar and punctuation
One of the most often met writing tips is to check papers for mistakes before their submission. Whether students avoid doing it, have no time for that or do not see their own mistakes, but in reality every it may seem custom essay always has some grammar or/and punctuation mistakes. To prevent being corrected and getting a lower degree students may use special tools, software or ask for professional help.
Plagiarism is one of the most serious enemies of academic writing. These are students who most often use other people’s expressions, works or even passages without proper citing. They simply copy and paste paragraphs that seem suitable for them not understanding what consequences it may lead to. Almost all modern universities and colleges struggle with the problem of plagiarism and use similarity detection software against all the submitted papers.
The structure of the academic papers
It is natural that all the college papers have standard and sometimes exclusive structure that may differ depending on the educational establishment. Students forget, neglect or do not know about this fact and that results in poor academic results. Apart from the standard structure of an essay including an introduction, main body and conclusion there are many other constituent parts in some papers that can not be ignored. That is why it is necessary to ask questions or use reference materials to learn the requirements to the paper structure and make it up accordingly.
Work with sources
Some academic papers are impossible to write without a deep analysis of other literature and sources. Moreover, students should list all the sources they have used writing thesis, for example. That is why the choice of sources is as significant as its proper formulation. The bibliography is always one of the weakest points of research papers as inability to use a single format results in a variety of punctuation mistakes. Another difficulty with literature is inaccurate quoting. Absence of quotes is equal to plagiarism, so inability to mark them correctly is crucial.
The number of challenges in academic writing for students seems endless as every student can invent his own way to disappoint a tutor. These are the most common problems that characterize every second young person studying at college or university. Being aware of the challenges they may face writing papers students may be more attentive to the results of their work and hopefully, get better grades.