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New York
Sunday, March 2, 2025


Totally Bizarre!

So Sad: Selfie Taken Minutes Before Bomb Blast Shows Slain Lebanese Teen’s Last Moments (DISTURBING IMAGE)

It's a happy moment, a selfie taken by a group of teenagers on a sunny day in downtown Beirut. Mohammed Shaar sits among his...

WTH?! Woman Slices Genitals Of Man She Thought Had Raped Her 2-year-old Son (PICTURED)

- Bonita Vela (Photo: Indianapolis police)An Indiana woman is accused of holding a man against his will at a house trailer and using a box...

Question Of The Day: Is Skin Bleaching A Mental Illness? (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

When you grew up, did you think that light skin was better than dark skin? If you didn’t feel that way, you probably knew...

$52 Million: SEE The World’s Most Expensive Wedding Cake, Covered In 4,000 Diamonds (PHOTO)

Want to see what $52 million worth of wedding cake looks like? Cake, a bakery in Chester, England, has created what is reportedly the world's...

#ShockingStories: Fork Inserted For Sexual Gratification Removed From Penis of 70-year-old (GRAPHIC)

Men of the world, here's a piece of advice: There are many ways to bring happiness to your Johnson, but sticking a fork into...

Magical Hoof: Meet Raju, The 5 Legged Cow Believed To Give Women Male Children (PHOTOS)

A five-legged cow has been hailed a miracle because when pregnant women touch its fifth hoof they give birth to baby boys. Raj Pratap's three-year-old...

Enough is Enough! Woman Jailed For 6 Months For Calling 911 More Than 400 Times [LISTEN]

911 is not a toy, and apparently the Los Angeles city attorney’s office felt the need to make that point clear to a woman...

She’s 44, He’s 20: Nudist Couple Stage Naked Wedding, Ends In Arrest During Couple’s Dance (PHOTOS)

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something...nude? Nude rights activist Gypsy Taub, 44, was arrested on Thursday after her wedding to Jaymz Smith, 20, on...

Extreme: Meet The Lord Of The Rings Fan Who Had Ear Surgery To Become An Elf (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Pointed: Melynda Moon paid £250 for 'elven ears' A woman who wanted to look like an elf has had an operation on her ears to...

Strip Club Owner Moves Into House Next To Ex-wife And Erects An Obscene Statue [LOOK]

Don't hate the player, hate the middle finger that's now pointing at your house from your jilted lover's back patio. Alan Markovitz recently moved in...

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