A 46-year old Indian man named Vishwanath Mishall, 46, was nabbed by the Anti-Kidnap squad of the Nigerian Police force for faking being kidnapped .

Gathering from the police report, Mr Mishall had left his residence in Abuja and traveled to Enugu State where he paid someone to call his employer, saying he’d been kidnapped and will not be released until a ransom of N10 million was paid.
After much debate and argument, his employer eventually settled for N7million to facilitate his release and the money was paid into an account provided by Mr Mishall and his accomplice. When Mishal went to the bank on Thursday, February 12, 2015 to withdraw the money, unfortunately for him, he was immediately arrested by men of the Enugu state Police command who had been earlier debriefed about the case.
Below is the press statement from the Nigerian police in Enugu: