Saudi Arabia has confirmed that Nigeria is among a coalition of 34 countries that Saudi Arabia will lead in its fight against global Islamic terrorists, chief among them, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Nigeria, Fahad bin Abdullah disclosed this at the reception for the leader of the Wahabi Global Congress, Sheikh Abul-Muhsin Abdallah at-Turki.
Sheikh Abul-Muhsin Abdallah at-Turki, who arrived in Nigeria in a private jet via Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, was received by the Nigerian leader of the Jama’atul Izalatul Bidi’a wa Iqamatus-Sunnah (JIBWIS), Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau and his entourage amidst tight security.
Sheikh Abul-Muhsin Abdallah at-Turki, it was gathered, is in Nigeria, to attend a summit that would deliberate on the founding of a centre that would focus on the teaching of genuine Islam as a prelude to finding a lasting peace in the country.
The summit, billed to start on Thursday, is expected to be declared open by President Muhammadu Buhari. It will be conducted in collaboration with JIBWIS.
According to at-Turi, the acts of terrorism being perpetrated by ISIS and other bellicose Islamic groups, who subjugate human rights and freedom of others in countries where they operate is antithetical to the teachings of Islam.