Former Olympic gold medallist, Bruce Jenner was involved in fatal car accident on Saturday, February 7, 2014 at the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu that killed a woman.

According to police reports, Jenner was not hurt in any way, but seven other people suffered severe injuries from the crash.
A statement released by the 65-year-old publicist, Alan Nierob, also confirm that he’s okay but no additional information was provided.

However, one of the police investigator at the accident scene, Sheriff’s Sgt. Philip Brooks disclosed that Jenner had passed a field sobriety test and voluntarily submitted a blood sample to determine whether he was intoxicated.
“He did not appear intoxicated or under the influence of anything at the time,” he said

This accident comes at a time of the highly controversial reports about him becoming a woman.
Though Jenner himself has declined any comment, his mother, Esther Jenner, has admitted that the stories are true adding that she’s proud of him for taking the decision.
Scroll to see more photos from the crash scene: