A man identified as Felix Akeze is reportedly holding his wife and children hostage at gunpoint at their residence in Chevron Drive, Lekki, Lagos demanding a refund of all the money he has spent on them.
Akeze, who is a staff of FIRS, has reportedly been holding his family for about a week asking his wife for a refund of funds or he will kill them all.
Reports said the wife who is from Aku in Igbo Etiti LGA, Enugu state, alerted one of her brothers through the phone early Monday morning.
It was gathered that security men at the estate who have arrived at the house at no 5b, Toyosi Adetoro street together with some policemen from Ajah division and they are making frantic efforts to penetrate into the compound and rescue the victims.
Police and estate security have succeeded in getting into the compound and diffused the situation. His wife and kids have been rescued.
The wife reportedly disclosed that they have been held hostage for five days by her hubby.
More details to come.