An eight-year-old boy has been shunned from his school after his hands ballooned to gigantic proportions larger than his head.
Kaleem, a keen cricket fan, was left unable to do even basic tasks – including tying his shoelaces and feeding himself – after his hands grew to an incredible 13 inches from the end of his middle finger to the base of his palm.
His giant hands now weigh eight kilograms each (1.2 stone) and he has been bullied so much he fears being beaten up if he returns.
Kaleem, who lives in India with his parents, said: ‘I do not go to school because the teacher says other kids are scared of my hands.
‘Many of them used to bully me for my deformity. They would say “let’s beat up the kid with the large hands”.
‘Some of them have actually beaten me and would go after me often.’
He added: ‘I find it difficult to put on my clothes, button my shirt and pull up my pants.’
His parents have been trying to find help for their son, who was born with slightly bigger hands than normal, but have struggled as they only earn £15 a month through 45-year-old father Shamim’s job as a labourer.
His mother Haleema, 27, said: ‘When Kaleem was born his hand was twice the size of a normal baby’s.
‘His hands were big and his fingers were long. Initially his fists were small but they began to grow large as well and his fingers also kept growing.’
He said: ‘We want to take him to the hospital but there have been times when money has been so low that my wife has been forced to go begging.’

A doctor at a local hospital said the cause of the deformity was unknown but it could be either lymphangioma or hamartoma.
Apart from his giant hands, Kaleem is otherwise healthy although the increased pressure on his cardiovascular system could potentially shorten his life.